About Electric Riders Australia

Electric Riders Australia (ERA) was established to represent a unified voice for our industry in Australia regardless of device or purpose. We were started by members of various grassroots Facebook groups from all over Australia and are recognised by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission as a registered charity.

We support the grassroots movement, partner with industry leaders and coordinate with the government to further the interest and rights of our members in the community. We represent members who ride different electric Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) such as electric skateboards, e-scooters, electric unicycles (EUCs) and who ride for a variety of reasons that underpin this lifestyle of freedom. 

Who We Represent

PMD Owners

We represent owners of PMDs to legalise our devices and to increase the government’s commitment to public infrastructure investment for safer off-road micro-mobility lanes. We also support the grassroots community by providing information on group rides, safety equipment, public charging points, group and individual riding guidelines.

PMD Manufacturers and Industry

By uniting the various PMD devices, we provide a unified and collective voice for the industry when engaging with the government to provide consistent message to ensure reforms are appropriate for industry needs.  We also run promotional awareness campaigns to encourage usage of PMD devices by targeting the general community who may be interested in owning their own device.

Government and law enforcement

We aim to develop understanding and awareness of PMDs in local, State and Federal Government by providing assistance on best practices and guidelines. We represent our members for a common-sense approach to regulation that promotes safety and reduces bureaucracy. 

At Electric Riders Australia,
Freedom Is Our Future

Why PMDs?


Technology allows for braking systems. If you are not physically fit enough to push a skateboard anymore or you want to transition to cycling, an ePMD is a safer way to transition for your exercise regime.

Active lifestyle

Instead of sitting in a car or tapping behind a screen, you can escape this with an ePMD that helps with your balance, co-ordination and leg workout!

Environmentally friendly

They are a low-carbon emitting alternative of travel without pumping CO2 into the air.


These devices can go on mountain trails, grass and even roads. It’s a much funner way to travel and explore your surroundings.

Reduces congestion

Every rider results in one less car on the road. It’s that easy!