Our Journey

For years, Australians have been riding and enjoying the benefits of electric skateboards, e-scooters and electric unicycles. Grassroots Facebook groups that organise group rides in different Australian states and cities organically popped up and the community grew over time. This history and hard work from those in the past throughout Australia have laid the foundation for the establishment of Electric Riders Australia.

24 March 2018

Green Riders Alliance - Australia was established to unite riders of all types or electric devices with a key focus on the environmental benefits as a transportation device.

Green Riders Alliance logo

Green Riders Alliance logo


10 May 2019

Green Riders Alliance had an in-person meeting in Sydney to discuss how a legalisation campaign could be established to advocate to the government.

The first meeting

The first meeting


3 December 2019

Green Riders Alliance - Australia was changed to E-Riders United - Australia to demonstrate the broadened appeal of electric personal mobility devices to include reasons other than environmental benefits.

12 December 2019

Shannon Murdoch from Melbourne prepares submission on behalf of E-Riders United Australia. This was in consultation with Electric Skateboarders Australia - ESK8AUS, Onewheel Riders Australia, Onewheel Riders Melbourne, Electric Riders Melbourne, Sydney Electric Skateboarders - ESK8 Sydney and eWheel Sydney.

14 September 2020

Councillor Brendon Zhu and electric skateboard rider presents a motion at Willoughby City Council to seek the support of Local Government NSW for electric personal mobility devices.

26 October 2020

After numerous members of the Sydney ESK8 community reach out, Councillor Brendon Zhu holds meeting to discuss the next steps for the legalisation campaign.

Councillor Brendon Zhu at the 2nd meeting

Councillor Brendon Zhu at the 2nd meeting


January 2021

E-Riders United - Australia is renamed as Electric Riders Australia and the Legalisation Campaign and Petition is launched! This has been quite a journey and attached are various prototypes from the initial stages of websites and logo design.

Website prototype

Website prototype


In a mid year meeting for 2021, the Transport and Infrastructure Council are meeting to vote on the amendments to the Australian Road Rules for the inclusion of personal mobility devices. In accordance with the meeting procedure for ARR amendments, this requires the unanimous approval of every attendee, which is every State Transport Minister, the Federal Transport Minister (Minister McCormack) and President of Australian Local Government Association. This requires a consensus approach and If there is one veto, the amendments will not go ahead.

We will be writing to and meeting with Ministers and MPs before this important meeting.

If it gets approved in the upcoming 2021 meeting, the Australian Road Rules will then be the template for the legalisation of PMDs for each state.

Each state will then need to ratify these changes individually by incorporating into their respective State road legislation. Until then, the changes to ARR are merely recommendations and are not legally binding. This will take even more time throughout 2021 and even 2022 which means it will be important to continue our campaign and advocacy.

2022 - onwards

After successful advocacy to amend the Australian Road Rules, our next stage is to ensure each state and territory in Australia ratifies these changes for the legalisation of PMDs.

The legalisation journey continues!

Our priorities are for the legalisation of personal mobility devices throughout Australia. Once this is successful, we will continue to advocate on behalf of our community to ensure any regulation is appropriate and we will raise awareness for safety and to grow the amount of riders in Australia.